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Education Event Archive: EDI and ESG (Self-Paced)

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Governance Solutions is committed to transforming boards globally by equipping their members with relevant governance information through certification programs, consulting, training, and our popular Tuesday Live Governance Education Sessions.

We understand that each professional faces unique daily challenges, agendas, and appointments that can sometimes hinder our Continuing Education goals. That's why we have curated our most watched and popular Tuesday Live Governance Education Sessions on EDI and ESG for you to watch (or re-watch!), take notes, pause to reflect, and evaluate your progress.

Why learn about ESG & EDI?

ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and EDI (Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) are essential as they empower individuals and organizations to create sustainable and inclusive environments. ESG focuses on implementing practices that protect the environment, ensure social responsibility, and uphold strong governance standards, which can lead to long-term financial success and societal well-being. Meanwhile, EDI initiatives promote fairness, respect, and equal opportunities for all, enhancing team dynamics, innovation, and employee satisfaction. Together, these concepts help build resilient, ethical, and forward-thinking boards and organizations better equipped to navigate today's complex and diverse world.

ESG & EDI Self-Paced Archive includes:

Video 1: EDI vs. DEI – Which is Right (and why is I always last)?

Is it Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, or is it Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion? What’s the difference? And why does The Inclusion Challenge always seem to leave the ‘I’ for last? Be part of a discussion that goes beyond grammar!

Video 2: The ABCs of ESG in NFPs

Boards must be intentional about ESG! Don’t assume Not-for-Profits will always do the “right thing.”
They often form around noble goals, but beyond their central focus what should their boards know, and do, about ESG? Learn how Not-for-Profits boards can be more intentional about Environmental, Social, and Governance topics.

Video 3: The “True Cost” of Equity Diversity and Inclusion for the Boardroom

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion are not just buzzwords – they're critical components of a thriving boardroom. Take a practical look at this reality, with tips on how to get laser-focused on harnessing the value of your people.

Video 4: Working Environment: How the E of ESG Impacts Executive Compensation

ESG can often seem like a large topic that’s difficult to scorecard, but in these changing times every aspect, including Environment, only becomes more pressing for an organization to address. How should ‘E’ be reflected in, and impact upon, your scorecard? Watch this session and find out!

Approx. 30 minutes per video.

Continuing Education Credits: 2 hours

Note: This is a recorded session originally delivered to a live audience, replays may contain occasional interactions.