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The Role of the Board in Strategy (Self-Paced)

Improve your skill and expand your toolkit for providing strategic direction to your organization!

Strategic plans are one of the most important tools that boards can use to ensure alignment throughout their governance and operational systems.

This 90-min session teaches you how to engage with management on strategic planning and how to assign the correct responsibilities – such as development, approval, and implementation – to the right players.

Learn how to:

  • Understand the strategic planning process and the Board’s role in it
  • Understand how to measure success
  • Develop strategic agendas that make space for strategic thinking and dialogue

It’s time to focus on strategic thinking!

With the increasing demand on boards to provide oversight in all areas of corporate performance and risk, many board members are spending less and less time on strategy.

Learn how to spend more time contributing to a robust measurement system that would allow you to lead your board towards strategic dialogue. 

Align your organization's strategy with the current landscape!

Many organizations are finding that their existing strategies are not aligned with the new realities of constricted labour supply, increased demand for social justice, working from home, and an increasingly digital world.

These societal changes require boards to engage in strategic thinking and dialogue to ensure their organizations can adapt and thrive in this new economy.  

90-min session
Continuing Education Credits: 1.5 hours

 Note: This is a recorded session originally delivered to a live audience, replays may contain occasional interactions.